We are back with the 2022 edition of The European Game Showcase at GDC 2022! After two years of turmoil, we are super excited to bring back the physical event experience of EGS as the spot-on event bringing opportunities to developers at GDC 2022.
Thank you for submitting more than 100 games to EGS 2022 submission!
About EGS
Christopher Heck, Business Development Manager Nintendo of Europe:
“It is a great way to discover and connect with indies from Europe.”
Goran Saric, co-founder Okomotive, makers of Far: Lone Sails:
“The European Game Showcase in San Francisco was quite a positive experience for us. It’s a small business meeting with platform holders and publishers and only with some handpicked game projects. Within that small scope it was quite easy for us to get in contact with a representative of Sony. Two days later we already got access to Sony’s back-end and we could order a devkit for our PS4 port.”

About the event: What is the European Game Showcase?
The European Game Showcase at GDC is a pro-bono event where 30+ European developers showcase their newest games to the press, publishers, and strategic partners. It’s an invite-only event aimed to help developers and their showcased projects in taking the next steps towards success. More detailed information can be found in our FAQ.
Date and time
March 22, 2022, 4:00 – 8:00 PM, Location: Swissnex, Pier 17, The Embarcadero #800, San Francisco, CA 94111
Showcase selection
You will find the selected games for the European Game Showcase 2022 after the selection is completed end of February here.
Can I attend as a visitor?
If you are a member of the press, a publisher, platform holder, or potential strategic partner and you want to be considered for the European Game Showcase guest list, please fill out this form. Invitations go out from the beginning of March. We will get in touch.
The main organization team of the event is (in alphabetical order) Dajana Dimovska, Eva Gaspar, Tobias Kopka, and Alessandra van Otterlo. The European Game Showcase receives support from a wide range of people and organizations across Europe including Jakub Marszałkowski, Oliver Miescher, Micaela Romanini, and Simon Barratt.

More questions?
To learn more about the event itself, why we organize it, the venue, cost, etc? Please check our Frequently Asked Questions!
If you are wondering if EGS is a thing: you can find more good experiences from our showcasing developers or attendees here.
Our Partners and Sponsors

swissnex: Connecting Switzerland, North America and the world in science, education, innovation and the arts.

DAHL has a strong team of top-ranked tech lawyers providing strategic legal advice for companies in any industry dealing with new innovations and technologies – including the game development industry.

MeetToMatch is the premium event networking service that combines an online meeting platform with a full-service matchmaking approach.

Premortem Games: Knowing before failing.
Your ultimate business resource to game development.

SwissGames: Exporting Fun & Innovation Worldwide
Get in touch if you are interested to support! We are just gearing up for 2022.
Header images by Koen and Paul Deetman
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